The Ocenco M-40 is a belt worn or stored, compressed-oxygen, Self-Contained Self-Rescuer (SCSR). The M-40 instantly provides breathable air, independent of the surrounding atmosphere, to a person escaping from any area of toxic gas or oxygen deficiency. The starting of the oxygen flow, the increased flow rate during high work rates, and the occasional venting of gas through the relief valve, all occur automatically.
The duration of the unit is 30 minutes according EN 13794 and up to 60 minutes at rest. It can be donned in less than 10 seconds.
It has a head harness and variants are available with optional goggles or a protective hood. All parts that the user interacts with are made in highly visible yellow signal color.
The service life of the unit is 15 years if wall mounted. Annual visual inspection is the only required action since the cylinder is not subject to periodic inspection.
When the unit is carried it requires a factory service after 5 years, after which it can be used for another 5 years or placed as wall mounted for the remaining 10 years of it's service life.
In addition to the printed label, a QR code on the unit can be scanned for serial number and manufacturing date.
The facilitate training there is a trainer version available as well as an expectation trainer simulating real breathing resistance and breathing conditions.