Healthy firefighters

Research shows that firefighters are at increased risk of suffering from certain serious illnesses compared to others. Therefore, the project Healthy Firefighters was started in Skellefteå in 2006 (Sweden) and the Skellefteå model was developed. It is comprehensive and touches on both knowledge and education, routines and flows, as well as materials and conditions. Changing working methods and following those, results in healthier firefighters over time.


Research shows that firefighters are at increased risk of being affected by some serious diseases compared to others.
Click here to learn more about which diseases you can suffer from due to contamination.


Click on the bullets below to learn how you can easily improve the firefighters' work environment without complicating the work.

• Knowledge and insight
• Routines and flows



Review the routines at your fire station!

Go through the checklist by clicking on the link below and make an action plan based on this.
Click here to learn more about what you can do to improve the work environment. 


Stefan Magnusson has worked as a firefighter since the early 80s and is the chief safety representative at the rescue service in Skellefteå. In 2006, Stefan was involved in starting the project Healthy Firefighters and he is the author of the Skellefteå model. Since 2007, Stefan has given hundreds of lectures on  Healthy Firefighters and the Skellefteå model in Sweden, the Nordic countries, Europe and North America. Stefan is also active in the work with the fundraising foundation Brandmännens Cancerfond.


David Hultman is a fire engineer with a degree from the Luleå University of Technology. After a supplementary training in rescue service for fire engineers, David has worked in the rescue service as a fire engineer and department manager. David is also a trained fire investigator and has board assignments in the Swedish Fire Protection Association. Together with Stefan, David has regularly given international lectures and training initiatives for firefighters' health.

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