• Divator Pro System

    600 A long history of innovation Interspiro has left a considerable imprint on history within breathing protection and our technological milestones have frequently become industry standards. During the years we have received numerous distinctions for the quality of our equipment, but we are most proud of the fact that every day professional men and women all over the world trust u...

  • Modul B: Der Anwenderkurs [05.11.2018]

    11/05/2018 09:00:00 Modul B: Der Anwenderkurs [05.11.2018] Kursort: Pratteln Kursbeginn: 05.11.2018 | 09:00 Kursinformationen: Neues Kurs System bei Interspiro.  Ab 2016 wird das Kurswesen der Firma Interspiro AG Schweiz NEU.  Um besser auf die Bedürfnisse der Kunden eingehen zu können, wird neu mit einem modularen Syste...

  • Interschutz

    700 The most dangerous threat on a fire scene is the silent threat of carcinogens. In 2011, after more than 60 years of protecting firefighters in their everyday work, we therefore made preventing work-related health problems within the rescue service our top priority. Since then we have developed our unique cleaning concept with the world's most cleanable SCBA and our own dete...

  • Spiroscape

    The Spiroscape™ – The easiest escape device on the market Spiroscape is as fast as it’s capable. With a unique ambient air valve that automatically opens when the cylinder is depleted it eliminates the risk of suffocation inside the hood. We focused on the details. So you can focus on what is important – getting out of harms way. As rapid as can be In case of an emergency the la...

  • Spiroline HP

    Spiroline Airline system – Working under pressure has never been easier When working in confined spaces it can be difficult or even impossible to use traditional breathing apparatus. The Spiroline system is made for these situations and a popular choice for maintenance and rescue workers. Key features   1. Easy-to-use and mobile distribution panel with two connections for ...

  • Jump for Cancer

    Interspiro Jump Challenge Join us in the battle against cancer. Jump for Cancer aims to raise awareness against the silent threat amongst firefighters. We challenge YOU! Join us in the battle against cancer. Jump for Cancer aims to raise awareness against the silent threat amongst firefighters. It's simple - You do the jumping; we do the rest! -----------------------------...

  • Contact us

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  • Externes Seminar [Woche 15.10. - 16.10.2018]

    10/15/2018 09:00:00 Externes Seminar [Woche 15.10. - 16.10.2018] Kursort: externes / in Ihren Bayern Kursbeginn: 15.10.2018 |09:00 Kursinformationen: Kursbeginn nach Absprache Inhalt In dieser Woche können Sie unseren Trainer buchen für ein Seminar direkt in Ihren Räumlichkeiten. Atemschutzgeräte-Seminare, sowi...


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